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Hora En Santiago De Chile Y Peru

Time Difference Between Santiago, Chile, and Lima, Peru

Current Time Difference

As of Thursday, April 4, 2024, the time in Santiago, Chile, is 200 hours ahead of Lima, Peru.

Seasonal Time Difference

The time difference between Santiago and Lima varies throughout the year due to Chile's observance of daylight saving time. Peru does not observe daylight saving time.

When Chile Observes Daylight Saving Time

When Chile observes daylight saving time, the time difference between Santiago and Lima is as follows: * Santiago: 1 hour ahead of Lima * Lima: 1 hour behind Santiago

When Chile Does Not Observe Daylight Saving Time

When Chile does not observe daylight saving time, the time difference between Santiago and Lima is as follows: * Santiago: 2 hours ahead of Lima * Lima: 2 hours behind Santiago

Time Converter

To easily compare or convert Lima time to Santiago time or vice versa, use a time converter. The converter can help you determine the time difference for any given date and time.


For example, the time span between 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM Santiago time on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, would be: * 8:00 AM - 12:00 AM Lima time (if Chile is observing daylight saving time) * 9:00 AM - 1:00 AM Lima time (if Chile is not observing daylight saving time)
